Monday, March 16, 2009

Pet Peevery, part deux

".......Tell em why you mad son, tell em why you mad!"

Ok, so I guess my attempt at soliciting information has backfired, but nonetheless, I am still compelled to write. One of my biggest pet peeves, and it actually may be the biggest, is when people incorrectly label my BELOVED borough of birth and residence. I LIVE and BREATHE Brooklyn. The proper acronym when referencing this 84 sq. mile borough is "BK". I am quite offended and appalled when someone refers to BK as "the BK". Oh, the horror. I dont live in THE that for THE Bronx, and even then, you may have incorrectly referenced their borough's acronym as they are more of "Da Bronx" than "The Bronx". So, be warned people who call Brooklyn "the BK". I may viciously strike you in the adam's apple, repetitively and without warning or provocation; don't say you havent been warned! It's BK damnit!!!

BROOKLYN, We go hard!!!!!!

Pet Peevery

Good morning great people! Yes, WE can. Yes, WE did. YES, I am still alive and kicking, inhaling, holding my breath, and exhaling a sigh of relief to still be here.

This post is a tad different from my usual musings. I usually rant about something and solicit your responses to what I've written, but today, I am soliciting first. I would like to know what are your pet peeves? What really gets on your nerves? I guess in asking, I should let you know one of mine. I HATE HATE HATE poor grammatical construction and mispelling, and misuse of words. Por ejemplo ( y'all didnt know I was a polyglot -- look it up cuz I'm sure half of you are unsure of what it means), when people say, "On tomorrow". Clearly, it is NOT the same as saying, "On Friday".

Anyway people, let me know something. Elvis is BACK in the building!