Thursday, December 18, 2008

New York City Nuances

How come you cant get good pizza, bagels, and chinese food outside of New York City? Now, you non-native New Yorkers might find offense in that blanket statement only if you have never ventured to NY to a pizza shop, the bagel shop/deli, or a Chinese restaurant. My explanation is that these types of restaurants in other locales are too clean; they dont have that yo no se que (sp?).....that particular New York filth, grease and grime about them. Filth, grease and grime are New York nuances.

In addition to the NY nuances listed above, has anyone else ever noticed the NYC bodega nuance(s)?? Most, if not damn near all bodegas (or maybe it's just the ones I frequent) have NO cash register. The add the cash total of the items you purchase on a big calculator! And they keep the "menudo" or "cambia" in an old cigar box. And there always seems to be a cat in the store. Now, I am not opposed to pets, BUT, I would rather not have Fluffy climbing about my $.25 cent bag of Wise BBQ potato chips or rubbing up against the Bounty paper towel that I need! But, in any event, I LOVE NEW YORK!!

and um gone....

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