Thursday, December 11, 2008

The trials and tribulations of BILLS

Is it possible for one to have trials without tribulations? The thing is, when you hear someone speak about difficult times, and a period of hardship, they ALWAYS say trials AND tribulations. Can't you just have one or the other? Can't a person just have some tribulations? And as my man Forrest Gump says, "That's all I got to say about that.....Jen-nny!"

And one other thing has been on my mind. If you are like me, and I pray for your sake that you are not, you receive junk mail and catalogs galore. Usually, these items are addressed as such:

Mr. John Smith
OR Current resident
123 ABC Street
New York, NY 11111

I'm saying, can the company that sent this mailing make up their fuggin mind? Is it for me or not? And what if I am the current resident. But notice how they dont do that with bills. I am hereby requesting that henceforth, all my bills be addressed in the same fashion, to me or the current resident. Let that current resident bastard pay some of my exceesive debt since he'll be receiving mail that is POSSIBLY addressed to me!

I think I will put this in writing to my state senator, my congressperson, and president-elect obama.

and I'm gone.....

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