Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kids Birthday Parties

Good afternoon good people. I was recently blessed to celebrate my child's birthday. It was a beautiful, SpiderMan themed affair. My wife went all out; the party was complete with a clown, a Spidey character, Spidey cake & decorations, a custom Spider Man movie, in which when Spidey was unmasked, it was my son's face. I'm glad my wife makes more money than me because my contribution was some pizza and 2-liter of off-brand soda. But, nonetheless, it was a KID'S party. WHAT in the HELL is up with these parents who have birthday parties for children, but nothing is juvenile about the party? How are you gonna have a birthday party for a 1 year old and hire a DJ who plays nothing but booty music, every bit of the food has hot sauce on it, and the drink de jour is a malt liquor, MD 20/20, or Georgi Vodka? I mean, even winos dont drink Georgi. I guess a party aint a party unless a 1 year old can get fugged up in the haze of weed smoke and OE (that's Old English for you youngsters)!

Parents, if you have a party for your child's birthday, please remember that you are celebrating your child's life. LIQUOR is not appropriate for a child's party; if it were the legal drinking age in the United States of A FUTHA MUCKIN AMERICA would be 3 and a 1/2. Thats why our kids are so fugged up.....cuz the gottt damn parents are fuggin fugged up fuggers. Damn it, y'all got me heated; I know cuz I'm typing phonetically in slang. Gott damn it!

and I'm gone......

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