With all that is going on in the world, and specifically the Middle East, why do reporters and "peace workers" continue to go over there?? Recently, a WHITE AMERICAN woman was kidnapped and her captors released videos that stated if some female Iraqi prisoners werent released, then they would kill her. WHY do y'all (and my y'all is speaking to specific people, okay, you twisted my arm, I'll say it....Y'ALL CRAZY ARSE WHITE FOLK) want to go over there? Them muh fuggin Middle Easterners aint NEVER SCARED. Dont you see them on t.v.? Their opposition could have guns, a grenade launcher, tanks, and air support and them MUH fuggas be throwing ROCKS back. ROCKS, b!! Mutha fuggin STONES and PEBBLES and sh*t! Those some rock throwin muh fuggas! And suprisingly, they are quite accurate with them rocks! Not to make light of the situation, but I digress.
One hundred plus one more.....and I'm gone!
1 comment:
very true about the white journalists heading to the middle east but the story needs to be told. Black or even people of color journalists don't out number the white folks so by default, to their benefit or detriment, white folks go cover war stories. Besides, do you think the government would step up to 'rescue' a black life being ransomed?
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