Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Difference between Black People and White People

I bet you thought I would write some profound, major innate difference between Black people and White people, but, sorry to bust your BUBBLE, there really is no difference. Yes, there are subtle nuances that make each race unique but at the end of the day, we are all human. But, I do have a few questions that I would like answered:

  • Why do White people all yell that same "WOOOOOOOOOOO" yell, especially White women? I mean, a White person could be at a funeral for a deceased relative and hear the priest say, "He lived as a decent, humble man", and someone in the pews would break out with that "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!". Do y'all go to school to learn that or is that part of your genetic composition?

  • How come Black people have "ALL-WHITE parties" all damn summer long? Damn, can we think of something else....maybe an all PURPLE AND GOLD party or something? And what if a White person showed up naked? Could you really fault them?

I have more questions, but right now, they escape me. I will be back.

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