What's really good, good people? This morning, I decided to drive to work. My commute is usually about an hour in length and I decided that the soundtrack for my ride would be none other than Prince's PURPLE RAIN. In my slighty slanted eyes, that is the BEST album of all time. There is always some debate about great albums and great artists. One such debate pits Prince's music against that of his contemporary, Michael (or as I've come to know him, Latoya) Jackson. They frequently have Prince versus Michael Jackson parties. Both men are musical geniuses (would the plural be geniusi?) and their two albums, PURPLE RAIN and THRILLER, respectively, are the TWO BEST ALBUMS of the '80's and possibly all time. But this post is not about Michael versus Prince in that regard; I wonder if these two men came to blows, no pun intended (and maybe I should rephrase that given the two subjects in question), if these two men had fisticuffs, who do you think would win? That question itself is a veritable quandry!!!!! In a fight between MJ and Prince who would you side with, who would you ride with? The Gloved One or the Purple Prince? Lets look at the tale of the tape:
age: 50 50
height: 5' 10" 5' 2" (without his 6-inch heels)
weight: emaciated 100 lbs (with 1,000 quarters in each pocket)